Additional information for congress participants

> News > Additional information for congress participants

The Salesian Family and the Salesians of Portugal wish you a safe journey to Fatima, the place chosen to host the 9th International Congress of Mary Help of Christians.

Everything is being done to welcome all the participants in the best possible way, but we need everyone’s co-operation. This is a meeting that will bring together more than 1,400 members of the Salesian Family from more than 35 countries.

We would like to remind you of what was already communicated in the communication sent out on 12 July, adding a few necessary adjustments in line with the Shrine’s recommendations.

  1. Check-in: as soon as you arrive in Fatima, do so as soon as possible at the Paul VI Centre. Groups can send two or three delegates; they don’t all need to go to the check-in centre;
  2. Congress member’s card: while attending the Congress it is compulsory to have the Congress member’s ID card clearly visible at all times. As well as containing important information, this card gives you access to certain areas of the Shrine;
  3. Food: for meals – which are included – there are three areas. Congress participants must go to the area they have been allocated and which is marked on their card, as well as following the instructions given by those in charge;
  4. Priests: must bring their alb and cincture. The Shrine requires everyone to have their ‘celebret’ with them and to present it to those in charge of the Shrine whenever it is requested. For the Eucharists on 30 and 31 August (by language), priests should report to the sacristy at least 15 minutes in advance. Congress stoles will only be used for celebrations exclusively for the meeting;
  5. Rosary and Procession on 31 August: priests should arrive at the sacristy of the Chapel of the Apparitions at 21:00. All those who have been assigned a task (prayer, carrying the platform of Our Lady of Fatima or those who intend to carry flags or banners in the procession) should be behind the Chapel by 21.00;
  6. Translation equipment: we would like to remind you that communications at the Congress will be in Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. Anyone who needs a translation device should go to the place where they will be handed out when they check in. All translation devices must be returned on the last day of the meeting. Failure to return a translation device will result in a charge of 350 euros;
  7. Opening: the International Congress of Mary Help of Christians will open on 29 August at 17:00. This will be followed by the Eucharist, dinner and Good Night from the Vicar of the Rector Major, Mgr Stefano Martoglio;
  8. Good humour, joy and family spirit: this is a family meeting, of the Salesian Family. Bring your joy and share it with everyone. Be understanding and collaborate in the adjustments that will certainly have to be made so that everything runs smoothly. To the Virgin of Fatima, pray for yourself and all your loved ones and be happy. Very happy. Welcome!

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