Opening of the 9th International Congress of Mary Help of Christians: a celebration of faith and joy within the Salesian Family

> Opening of the 9th International Congress of Mary Help of Christians: a celebration of faith and joy within the Salesian Family

The 9th International Congress of Mary Help of Christians, which runs from 29 August to 1 September in Fatima, began with great joy and enthusiasm. Bringing together members of the Salesian Family from various parts of the world, the meeting, which takes place every four years, is a unique opportunity for celebration and reflection on the Salesian mission and devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians, Mother and Teacher of the Salesians.

From the early hours of this morning, there was an atmosphere of joy and celebration in Fatima. The Paul VI Centre, where the IX International of Mary Help of Christians is taking place until 1 September, began to come alive with the arrival of groups from different countries. Flags from different nations, smiles and warm hugs, as well as immense joy, transformed the venue into a space for the Salesian Family to meet again as a family
Among the first to arrive were groups from Latin America, bringing with them the contagious joy of their people. Then there were groups from Europe, Africa and Asia, all bringing the richness of their traditions and the fervour of their devotion.
For many, the journey was long, but tiredness soon gave way to praise. ‘I give thanks to Mary Help of Christians for being here today,’ repeated a participant from Caracas, Venezuela, over and over again.

Several volunteers welcomed the participants with a smile and the joy typical of the Salesian charism and, on arrival, each received a kit containing a rosary, a handkerchief, a reusable water bottle, a pen and a key ring. ‘The Salesian world is gathered here at the feet of the Lady of the Dream,’ said Fr Tarcízio Morais, Provincial of the Salesians of Portugal and Cape Verde.

Opening ceremony: emotion and spirituality
With the arrival of practically all the groups, the official opening of the IX International Congress of Mary Help of Christians began at 5pm. Tarcízio Morais; the Apostolic Nuncio in Portugal, Archbishop Ivo Scapolo; the Bishop of the Leiria-Fatima Diocese, Bishop José Ornelas; the Auxiliary Bishop of the Lisbon Patriarchate, Bishop Joaquim Mendes; the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio; the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother Chiara Cazzuola; among many other personalities.
In his opening speech – delivered in the five official languages of the Congress – Fr Tarcízio Morais, Provincial of the Salesians of Portugal and Cape Verde, began by highlighting Don Bosco’s devotion to Mary: ‘It was in Don. Bosco’s devotion to Mary Help of Christians that he found the strength to face all the challenges,’ he emphasised. For the Provincial, this Congress is particularly important because it aims to ‘think about the future of devotion to Mary Help of Christians’.
Fr Joan Luis Playá, the Rector Major’s delegate for the Salesian Family, highlighted Mary as the ‘Teacher of the Salesian mission’, emphasising that we are ‘a Marian family’.
Gabriel Cruz, ADMA’s worldwide spiritual animator, spoke next, emphasising the importance of the dream that Don Bosco had 200 years ago: ‘It’s wonderful to think that the dream that Don Bosco had 200 years ago still exists within the groups of the Salesian Family,’ he said.
Sister Carmen Lucrécia Uribe, ADMA world animator, began by saying that the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians are a ‘living monument to Mary Help of Christians’ and that, for this reason, they must have the ‘audacity’ to keep the dream ‘alive’.
The final speech was given by Renato Valera, president of ADMA Primary, who made a point of emphasising that we are all ‘a small part of Don Bosco’s dream’.
In a moment marked by colour and joy, this was followed by a performance of Don Bosco’s ‘Dreams of Nine Years’, presented by the Arte&Sal youth group from the Salesian Youth Centre in Funchal.
The presentation of seven images of Our Lady from different countries was one of the highlights of the ceremony. The images came from Angola, Argentina, Mexico, India, the Philippines, Slovakia and Italy.
After the official opening of the IX International Congress of Mary Help of Christians, the Eucharist was presided over by Bishop José Ornelas of Leiria-Fatima. In his homily, and highlighting the Gospel text, which recalled the martyrdom of St John the Baptist, Bishop José Ornelas emphasised the importance of God’s call in the life of each one of us, as well as the importance of Mary in this call.
During the moment of thanksgiving, Marta Pereira da Costa, a former Musicentro student from Lisbon, played the song ‘Ave Maria Gratia Plena’ on the Portuguese guitar.

Good evening from the Vicar of the Rector Major: a family moment
The first day of the IX International Congress of Mary Help of Christians ended with a good evening from the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio.
‘It is an honour and a privilege for me to be here at this Congress,’ he began. After sending a greeting to everyone from Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Fr Stefano Martoglio recalled the Salesian Family’s belonging to the Virgin Mary and their trust in her.
Fr Stefano Martoglio ended the evening by recalling some of Don Bosco’s words: ‘If we are here, it is because the Virgin has brought us here.
The cultural diversity of the participants, combined with devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians, created a unique atmosphere of celebration and spiritual renewal during the first day of the IX International Congress of Mary Help of Christians.

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