Presented by the Arte & Sal group from the Salesian Youth Center in Funchal, the musical “Children of Yes” focuses on the figure of Mary of Nazareth and her courage in accepting God’s proposal without questioning his plan.
More than a musical, “Children of Yes” is a journey of reflection on the call of each one of us. Inspired by Matilde Trocado’s musical of the same name, “Sons of Yes”, staged by Nélio Teles and with musical direction by Nuno Bastos, presents a powerful and captivating narrative that reflects the Salesian charism and devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians.
Relying on dynamic choreography and music and presenting an engaging story, the musical leads the audience into a profound reflection on the meaning of Mary’s “yes” and how that decision continues to resonate in our hearts.
With 57 actors on stage, all from the Arte & Sal group, Maria’s story is played out in parallel with that of a contemporary family, which, unable to accept the loss of a loved one, causes a rift within the family. Through the narrative of her life, Mary of Nazareth demonstrates that faith led her to the greatest gift imaginable, that of being the mother of the Savior and, even though pain and sadness were present, a mother’s sacrifice is always worth it because her love is unconditional and infinite. Thus, this family will also conclude that “saying yes” will be the best thing for their union and for the serenity of their hearts.
“Our main objective is always to evangelize and integrate young people. In this sense, being able to give them this experience and let them know about Mary and her unconditional love for us is another step on our journey,” explains Carla Ferreira, the group’s theater coordinator.
Courage to say “yes”
Designed to reflect Salesian values and charism: education, joy and unconditional love, especially for young people, in “Children of Yes” this essence is represented through characters who face challenges and are called to respond with courage and faith. For Carla Ferreira, this presentation at the IX International Congress of Mary Help of Christians is a very special moment: “To be able to be in Fatima, with our group, to give our contribution and bear witness to this great devotion to Mary Help of Christians, is a privilege. We’re grateful,” she said.
“Children of Yes” is, above all, an invitation. An invitation for each of us to reflect on our own “yes” and how it can be lived out in our daily lives.
Art & Faith Group: evangelizing through culture
Made up of around 60 members aged between 11 and 62, the Arte & Sal group from the Salesian Youth Center in Funchal has been running for 10 years. With the mission of “evangelizing through culture”, this group of amateur actors has already prepared and presented six musicals.