Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians: mother and teacher of the Salesian Family

> Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians: mother and teacher of the Salesian Family

Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians is, in the Catholic tradition, one of the strongest expressions of faith and love for the Virgin Mary. Throughout the ages, Mary Help of Christians has been a source of protection, comfort and inspiration for many thousands of the faithful, and especially for the members of the Salesian Family throughout the world.

Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians dates back to the first centuries of Christianity, but gained particular strength in the 16th century, during the period of religious persecution. The title ‘Help of Christians’ was enthusiastically invoked by Pope Pius V in 1571, when he asked for Mary’s intercession to protect Christian Europe from the threat of the Ottoman advance. The Christian victory at the Battle of Lepanto was attributed to Our Lady’s help, and in gratitude, the Pope declared 7 October the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
It was already in the 19th century that devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians took on an even deeper and more universal dimension. In 1814, Pope Pius VII, on his triumphant return to Rome after being imprisoned by Napoleon Bonaparte, attributed his release and the rebirth of the Church to the intervention of Mary Help of Christians. The title was made official in 1816 with the establishment of the liturgical feast of Our Lady Help of Christians on 24 May, a date that is now celebrated by the Church throughout the world.

Don Bosco: spreading devotion
Don Bosco was undoubtedly responsible for the worldwide spread of devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians. In the mid-19th century, Don Bosco, inspired by dreams and visions that associated Mary with his work with the poor youth of Turin, Italy, chose Our Lady Help of Christians as the patron saint of his work. He affectionately called her ‘The Great Mother’.
With unshakeable trust in the intercession of Mary Help of Christians, Don Bosco attributed countless graces and miracles to her throughout his educational and pastoral mission. In 1868, the Salesian saint built the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin, a shrine that would become the spiritual centre of devotion to the Virgin Help of Christians. Since then, the Basilica has been a place of pilgrimage and prayer, where thousands of faithful experience the protection and help of Mary Help of Christians.
Don Bosco deeply believed that devotion to Mary Help of Christians was a powerful way of reaching young people and leading them to faith and virtue. ‘Trust in Mary Help of Christians and you will see what miracles are!’ he would say, summarising his trust in the intercession of the Mother of God.
Don Bosco’s spirit of trust and commitment was passed on to the Salesian Family, which continues to promote devotion to Mary Help of Christians. For the Salesian Family, Our Lady Help of Christians is not only a mother and protector, but also a teacher who teaches us to walk in faith, humility and charity. She is the perfect model of discipleship, the one who fully lived God’s will and who therefore becomes the best guide for those who wish to follow the path of Christ.

Mary Help of Christians: a current devotion
Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians is especially significant because it presents Mary as a loving and protective mother who accompanies her children in life’s battles. For devotees, she is the mother who intercedes with her Son, Jesus Christ, and who offers help and consolation in adversity.
Her image, depicted with the Child Jesus in her arms and a sceptre in her hand, symbolises the intercessory power of the Mother of God. She is an attentive mother, always ready to help and protect her children, especially in times of danger and trial.
In a world marked by crises, uncertainties and challenges, devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians continues to be a source of hope and confidence for many devotees. Mary is thus the lighthouse that guides Christians through the storms of life, reminding us that we are never alone, because we have a mother who intercedes for us with her Son.
Devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians is an invitation for everyone to turn to Mary with love and trust, certain that she will always guide us. May we, like Don Bosco, fully trust in her intercession, witnessing to the world the marvels that faith can achieve.

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