Foto de Filipa Andrade, Estoril

Filipa Andrade

Estoril Group

> Speakers > Filipa Andrade


31 de August, 202411:30 - 12:30




Filipa Andrade was born on April 9, 1965. She is married and has two children.

Graduated in nursing, from the São Vicente de Paulo Nursing School, in 1987, obtained the Specialization Course in Child and Pediatric Health Nursing, in 1997, at the Francisco Gentil Nursing School; the Master’s Degree in Community Health, in 2004, at Universidade Nova de Lisboa; and is awaiting the defense of his PhD thesis on parenting in homeless families at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

He carried out his professional activity in public hospitals and private health institutions, and began his teaching career in 2000, at the Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São Vicente de Paulo, incorporated, since 2009, into the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

His fundamental area of ​​interest is parenting, health promotion and the integral development of children and young people.

Imbued with this spirit, in conjunction with her Catholic practice, it was with some naturalness that, in 1991, the motivation arose to create, with her nephews and other young friends, a choir to liven up the Eucharists, at 12:30 pm, on Sunday, of the Salesians from Estoril. This fact was remarkable as a path of conversion and confirmation for many of these young people, who are now adults, but who still participate in the choir – considered “almost family”. Their children are also growing up, part of this group, sharing various experiences with all the members.

In addition to the uninterrupted presence at the Sunday Eucharist, over all these years, the group has recorded two CDs and organizes an annual pilgrimage on foot to Fátima in October. Furthermore, they are also responsible for the musical preparation of Christmas and Easter celebrations, as well as individual and group meetings, always aimed at growth in Faith. This choir is a group marked by the joy of encountering Jesus, through music.

Filipa participated in preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation and, in 2012, joined the Group of the Pastoral Council of the Salesians of Estoril (2012).

He was present, as a speaker, at the “E-ducar” congress in 2015 (Salesianos do Estoril) and at the “Faith’s Night Out 2018” meeting, promoted by the Nossa Senhora Youth Teams.

She was also invited to participate in sessions organized for young people from the Estoril Parish, as well as in meetings of students of the Salesians of Estoril.

He regularly participates in sessions promoted by “Missão País”, by the Scouts (CNE) and in lectures that take place during pilgrimages, on foot, to Fátima.